Foundations of Informatics I


The lecture provides an introduction to basic concepts of computer science and software engineering. Essential theoretical foundations and problem-solving approaches, which are relevant in all areas of computer science, are presented and explained, as well as shown in practical implementations.

The following topics are covered:

  • Object Oriented Modeling
  • Logic (Propositional Calculus, Predicate Logic, Boolean Algebra)
  • Algorithms and Their Properties
  • Sort-and Search-Algorithms
  • Complexity Theory
  • Problem Specification
  • Dynamic Data Structures

Learning objectives:

The student

  • is able to formalise tasks in the domain of informatics and is able to identify solution methods
  • knows the basic terminology of computer science and is capable of applying these terms to different problems.
  • knows basic programming structures and is able to apply them (particularly simple data structures, object interaction and implementation of basic algorithms).


  • The total workload for this course is approximately 150 hours
  • Time of presentness: 45 hours
  • Time of preperation and postprocessing: 67.5 hours
  • Exam and exam preperation: 37.5 hours
Language of instructionGerman
  • H. Balzert. Lehrbuch Grundlagen der Informatik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2004.
  • U. Schöning. Logik für Informatiker. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2000.
  • T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson. Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press 2001.