Seminar Data Science & Real-time Big Data Analytics (Master)

  • Type: Seminar (S)
  • Semester: SS 2024
  • Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Michael Färber
    Dr.-Ing. Tobias Christof Käfer
    Cedric Kulbach
    Steffen Thoma
  • SWS: 2
  • Lv-No.: 2513311
  • Information: On-Site

In this seminar, students will design applications in teams that use meaningful and creative Event Processing methods. Thereby, students have access to an existing record.

Event processing and real-time data are everywhere: financial market data, sensors, business intelligence, social media analytics, logistics. Many applications collect large volumes of data in real time and are increasingly faced with the challenge of being able to process them quickly and react promptly. The challenges of this real-time processing are currently also receiving a great deal of attention under the term "Big Data". The complex processing of real-time data requires both knowledge of methods for data analysis (data science) and their processing (real-time analytics). Seminar papers are offered on both of these areas as well as on interface topics, the input of own ideas is explicitly desired.

Further information to the practical seminar is given under the following Link:

Questions are answered via the e-mail address

Language of instructionEnglish
Organisational issues

Further information as well as the registration form can be found under the following link:

Questions are answered via the e-mail address