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Named Entity Linking in #Tweets with KEA

Named Entity Linking in #Tweets with KEA

Published: 2016 April
Herausgeber: Aba-Sah Dadzie, Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro, Danica Radovanović, Amparo E. Cano Basave, Katrin Weller
Buchtitel: Proceedings of the 6th workshop on 'Making Sense of Microposts' (Microposts 2016)
Ausgabe: 1691
Reihe: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Seiten: 61--63
Verlag: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Organisation: Named Entity Recognition and Linking (NEEL) Challenge, co-located with the 25th Int. World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2016)

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This paper presents the KEA system at the #Microposts 2016 NEEL Challenge. Its task is to recognize and type mentions from English microposts and link them to their corresponding entries in DBpedia. For this task, we have adapted our Named Entity Disambiguation tool originally designed for natural language text to the special require- ments of noisy, terse, and poorly worded tweets containing special functional terms and language.

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