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Ontology-supported document ranking for novelty search

Ontology-supported document ranking for novelty search

Published: 2013 Mai

Buchtitel: Proceedings of the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC '13)
Seiten: 639-644
Verlag: Springer
Erscheinungsort: Berlin, Heidelberg

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Within specific domains, users generally face the challenge to populate an ontology according to their needs. Especially in case of novelty detection and forecast, the user wants to integrate novel information contained in natural text documents into his/her own ontology in order to utilise the knowledge base in a further step. In this paper, a semantic document ranking approach is proposed which serves as a prerequisite for ontology population. By using the underlying ontology for both query generation and document ranking, query and ranking are structured and, therefore, promise to provide a better ranking in terms of relevance and novelty than without using semantics.

Download: Media:M Faerber Ontology-supported document ranking ESWC13.pdf




Web Science


Semantische Annotation, Semantic Web