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An Ontology-based Framework for Text Mining

An Ontology-based Framework for Text Mining

Veröffentlicht: 2005 Mai

Journal: LDV Forum - GLDV Journal for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 87-112
Verlag: Gesellschaft für linguistische Datenverarbeitung
Volume: 20
Bemerkung: Alexander Mehler, Andreas Wolff (eds.)

Nicht-referierte Veröffentlichung


Structuring of text document knowledge frequently appears either by ontologies and metadata or by automatic (un-)unsupervised text categorization. This paper describes our integrated framework OTTO (OnTology-based Text mining framewOrk). OTTO uses text mining to learn the target ontology from text documents and uses then the same target ontology in order to improve the effectiveness of both supervised and unsupervised text categorization approaches.

ISSN: 0175-1336
VG Wort-Seiten: 25


Maschinelles Lernen, Text Mining, Ontology Learning, Natürliche Sprachverarbeitung