
York Sure-Vetter/Vorträge/en

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=Talks by [[ York Sure-Vetter/en| York Sure-Vetter]]=

York Sure-Vetter
Semantic Web Technologien für Fachinformation
Fachtagung 25 Jahre FIS Bildung – Fachinformation, offen, digital und vernetzt!, Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (DIPF)
Haus am Dom, Frankfurt, 28.6.2017

York Sure-Vetter
The Rudiverse (in 4 Episodes)
33. AIK Symposium, Verein AIK e.V.
ACHAT Plaza Hotel, Karlsruhe, 24.3.2017

York Sure-Vetter
Intelligente Technologien für ein selbstbestimmteres Leben im Alter
FZI Open House, Forschungszentrum Informatik am KIT (FZI)
FZI House of Living Labs, 9.2.2017

York Sure
Blank Spots in Ontology Engineering
Invited talk, IBM Almaden Research Center
San Jose, CA, US, 7.7.2007

York Sure
Blank Spots in Ontology Engineering
Invited talk, Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at University of Southern California (USC)
Los Angeles, Marina del Rey, CA, US, 21.8.2006

York Sure
What does Sparkling Wine have to do with Semantics?
Invited talk, Ontolog Virtual Community of Practice
Virtual, 17.8.2006

York Sure
Blank Spots in Ontology Engineering
Invited talk, SRI International
Menlo Park, CA, US, 4.8.2006

York Sure
Blank Spots in Ontology Engineering
Invited talk, Department of Computer Science at University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
Davis, CA, US, 28.7.2006

York Sure
Do Ontologies Dream of Concepts?
Invited talk at 9th International Protege Conference, Stanford University
Stanford, CA, US, 25.7.2006

York Sure
What does Sparkling Wine have to do with Semantics?
Special Colloqium, Stanford Medical Informatics (SMI), Stanford University
Stanford, US, Ca, 24.6.2006

York Sure
Anwendungen semantischer Technologien
Roundtable zum Thema "Inhalts- und Wissensmanagement", xmlcity:Berlin
IHK, Berlin, 18.9.2003

York Sure
Semantic Technologies Panel - Interactive Discussion Session
Semantic Technologies for E-Government, TopQuadrant
White House Convention Center, WashingtonDC, USA, 8.9.2003

York Sure
A Short Semantic Web Tutorial
A Sort Semantic Web Tutorial, J.Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17.7.2003

York Sure
Enabling the Semantic Web in Corporate Intranets
CroInfo 2003 - Knowledge Management, 
Hotel Opera, Zagreb, Croatia, 10.5.2003

York Sure
Towards the Semantic Grid
Workshop on Grids for Integrated Problem Soving Environments -- Status and Research Perspectives vs. Requirements from an Industrial Viewpoint, Fraunhofer Institute SCAI
FhG-IZB Sankt Augustin, Schloß Birlinghofen, 29.4.2003

York Sure
Summary of EON2002 Workshop and Next Steps
OntoWeb 4 Meeting, 
Innsbruck, Austria, 16.12.2002

York Sure
OntoWeb - Quo vadis?
OntoWeb 4 Meeting, 
Innsbruck, Austria, 16.12.2002

York Sure
First Results of a Semantic Web Technologies Evaluation
Common Industry Program at the federated event co-locating the three international conferences: DOA/ODBASE/CoopIS'02, 
University of California, Irvine, USA, 31.10.2002

York Sure
OntoEdit: Guiding Ontology Development by Methodology and Inferencing
International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of SEmantics ODBASE 2002, 
University of California, Irvine, USA, 31.10.2002

York Sure
Semantic Web - die nächste Generation von Wissensmanagement
Klausurtagung des Institut IPD (Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization), Universität Karlsruhe, zusammen mit FZI Gruppe DBS (Database Systems), IPD/Universität Karlsruhe & DBS/FZI
Dagstuhl, Deutschland, 10.10.2002

York Sure
Managing User Focused Access to Distributed Knowledge
International Conference on Knowledge Management 2002 (I-KNOW'02), 
Know-Center Graz, Graz, Austria, 12.7.2002

York Sure
OntoEdit: Collaborative Ontology Engineering for the Semantic Web
First International Semantic Web Conference 2002 (ISWC 2002), 
Sardinia, Italy, 11.6.2002

York Sure
Kollaborative Ontologie-Entwicklung
11. Workshop der AG "Anwendungsszenario Fertigung", im Rahmen des DFG-SPP 1083 "Intelligente Softwareagenten und betreibswirtschaftliche Anwendungsszenarien", Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI)
Frankfurt, 15.5.2002

York Sure
Einführung eines Ontologie-basierten Skillmanagement Systems bei Swiss Life
Modellierung 2002, Modellierung in der Praxis - Modellierung für die Praxis, 
Tutzing, Deutschland, 26.3.2002