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SemVersion: An RDF-based Ontology Versioning System

SemVersion: An RDF-based Ontology Versioning System

Published: 2006 Oktober

Buchtitel: Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet
Ausgabe: 1
Seiten: 195-202
Verlag: IADIS
Erscheinungsort: Murcia, Spain
Organisation: IADIS

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Knowledge domains and their formal representations via ontologies are typically subject to change in practical applications. Additionally, engineering of ontologies often takes place in distributed settings where multiple independent users interact. Therefore, change management for ontologies becomes a crucial aspect for any kind of ontology management environment. This paper introduces a new RDF-centric versioning approach and an implementation called SemVersion. SemVersion provides structural and semantic versioning for RDF models and RDF-based ontology languages like RDFS.

Download: Media:2006_1241_Völkel_SemVersion_An__1.pdf
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Semantic Web Infrastructure, Wissensmanagementsysteme, Ontologiemodellierung, Entwicklung von Wissensmanagementsystemen, Ontology Engineering, Modellierung, Ontologiebasierte Wissensmanagementsysteme