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A Software Framework and Datasets for the Analysis of Graph Measures on RDF Graphs

A Software Framework and Datasets for the Analysis of Graph Measures on RDF Graphs

Published: 2019 Juni

Buchtitel: Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC)
Verlag: Springer

Referierte Veröffentlichung
Note: To appear


As the availability and the inter-connectivity of RDF datasets grow, so does the necessity to understand the structure of the data. Understanding the topology of RDF graphs can guide and inform the development of, e.g. synthetic dataset generators, sampling methods, index structures, or query optimizers. In this work, we propose two resources:(i) a software framework4able to acquire, prepare, and perform a graph-based analysis on the topology of large RDF graphs, and (ii) results ona graph-based analysis of 280 datasets5from the LOD Cloud with values for 28 graph measures computed with the framework. We present a preliminary analysis based on the proposed resources and point out implications for synthetic dataset generators. Finally, we identify a set of measures, that can be used to characterize graphs in the Semantic Web.


Web Science
