
Semantische Suche

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Student Assistants / Tutors

Research group: Web Science (Anna Nguyen)
Description: Link

Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability and Society) gehört zum Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) an der KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung steht der Mensch: wir wollen die menschlichen Faktoren in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Privatsphäre genauer untersuchen. Dabei wollen wir Mechanismen entwickeln, die zum einen die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Benutzer adäquat schützen, zum anderen aber auch sehr benutzerfreundlich sind. Darüber hinaus werden Sensibilisierungs- und Schulungsmaßnahmen für diese Thematik entwickelt. Mögliche Aufgabenfelder: ▪ Studienplanung und Erhebung von Nutzerdaten ▪ Eingabe und statistische Auswertung von Daten mit Hilfe von SPSS und/oder R ▪ Literaturrecherche zu verschiedenen Themen im Bereich IT Security & Privacy ▪ Programmieren von Privacy und Security Maßnahmen ▪ Unterstützung bei Events und Workshops Weitere Details können mit dem Ansprechpartner im Rahmen eines persönlichen Gesprächs erörtert werden. Ihre Voraussetzungen: ▪ unabhängiges, eigenverantwortliches und strukturiertes Arbeiten ▪ Interesse sich in neue und sich stets fortentwickelnde Themen einzuarbeiten ▪ Grundkenntnisse der IT-Sicherheit (wünschenswert, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich) ▪ Erfahrung mit Statistik-Software (z.B. SPSS) oder Programmierkenntnisse (z.B. Java) von Vorteil Wir bieten: ▪ Abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit starkem Bezug zum realen Nutzer ▪ Interdisziplinarität mit Schnittpunkten von Psychologie, Informatik, Design und HCI ▪ Erfahrung im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten ▪ Bei hohem Engagement Möglichkeit zur Mitarbeit bei Publikationen Die Tätigkeit kann zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt begonnen werden. Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung (Lebenslauf, Zeugnis, kurzes Anschreiben (optional) und der Angabe der gewünschten Stundenanzahl pro Monat) schicken Sie bitte per E-Mail an
Research group: Security • Usability • Society (Reyhan Düzgün)
Description: Link

Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability and Society) gehört zum Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) an der KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung steht der Mensch: wir wollen die menschlichen Faktoren in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Privatsphäre genauer untersuchen. Dabei wollen wir Mechanismen entwickeln, die zum einen die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Benutzer adäquat schützen, zum anderen aber auch benutzerfreundlich sind. Im Rahmen eines Projekts mit Facebook entwickeln wir sichere und nutzerfreundliche Authentifizierungsverfahren für Augmented Reality (AR) Brillen. Dabei sollen unterschiedliche Verfahren mit der Google Glass 2 und/oder der Microsoft HoloLens prototypisch umgesetzt werden. Hierzu suchen wir eine studentische Hilfskraft, die uns bei der Entwicklung der AR Anwendungen unterstützen kann. Aufgabenfelder: * Festlegung der Anforderungen an die Anwendung * Entwurf von UI und Nutzerinteraktion * Strukturierte Versionsverwaltung mit Git * Dokumentation des Codes mithilfe eines GitHub-Wikis * Implementierung der AR Anwendung und diverser Inputmechanismen Ihre Voraussetzungen: * Unabhängiges, eigenverantwortliches und strukturiertes Arbeiten * Begeisterung für AR sowie Leidenschaft am Entwickeln innovativer Anwendungen * Kenntnisse in Programmierung (Java, C# oder verwandte Sprachen) * Grundkenntnisse in der IT-Sicherheit von Vorteil Wir bieten: * Abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit starkem Bezug zum realen Nutzer * Interdisziplinarität mit Schnittpunkten von Psychologie, Informatik, Design und HCI * Erfahrung im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten * Bei hohem Engagement Möglichkeit zur Mitarbeit bei Publikationen Die Tätigkeit kann zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt begonnen werden. Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung (Lebenslauf, Zeugnis, kurzes Anschreiben (optional) und der Angabe der gewünschten Stundenanzahl pro Monat) schicken Sie bitte per E-Mail an
Research group: Security • Usability • Society (Reyhan Düzgün)
Description: Link

Research group: Business Information Systems (Daniel Ried)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

A key challenge in automated driving is a robust environment perception. This involves combining information from different sensors and tracking it over time. The use of computationally expensive artificial neural networks under time-critical conditions is a central component in order to make the advances in the field of deep learning practically usable. Within your work as a research assistant you will apply state-of-the-art algorithms for object detection in C++ and make them more robust against false detections using tracking algorithms. The realization with the lowest possible computing time is a core task. The implementation will be done with the middleware ROS and you will have the opportunity to test the algorithms you have developed on a real system. TASKS You can expect a variety of possible tasks. Among others we are looking for support in the following areas. *Implementation of detector and tracking algorithms in C++ with the middleware ROS *Use of deep learning in time-critical applications *Experimenting with classical filter algorithms WE OFFER *An interdisciplinary research environment with partners from science and industry *A constructive collaboration with bright, motivated employees *A pleasant working atmosphere *Modern hardware *Openness to creative ideas WE EXPECT *Ability to implement both state of the art and experimental algorithms *Programming experience in C++ necessary *Familiarity with ROS and Linux *Familiarity with Python, Tensorflow, multi-threading and/or GPU programming advantageous *Familiarity with statistical filtering techniques, state estimation, and tracking algorithms advantageous *Sound English or German skills *High creativity and productivity REQUIRED DOCUMENTS *current transcript of records *CV CONTACT Jens Weber
Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Jens Weber)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

A key challenge in automated driving is a robust environment perception. Therefore, modern computer vision methods are used. Essential for the success of these algorithms is an efficient processing of the information, starting with receiving the data from the sensor, up to the processing with the help of Deep Learning. During your work as a student assistant you will be developing algorithms for the connection of new infrared camera sensors to the ROS middleware in order to make the advantages of multispectral object-detection algorithms available for automated driving. You will have the opportunity to test the software you have developed on a real system and to work with modern hardware. TASKS You can expect a variety of possible tasks. Among others we are looking for support in the following areas. *Implementation of a software interface in C++ with the middleware ROS for the integration of new infrared-cameras *Development of computer vision algorithms in the context of multispectral object-detection *Integration of your software on the real technical system WE OFFER *An interdisciplinary research environment with partners from science and industry *A constructive collaboration with bright, motivated employees *A pleasant working atmosphere *Modern hardware *Openness to creative ideas WE EXPECT *Ability to implement both state of the art and experimental algorithms *Programming experience in C++ necessary *Familiarity with ROS and Linux desirable *Familiarity with Python and Tensorflow advantageous *Sound English or German skills *High creativity and productivity *Knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence (especially searching and learning), game theory or related areas are a plus *Experiences with methods for searching and learning, e.g. Monte Carlo tree search/Reinforcement Learning are a plus REQUIRED DOCUMENTS *current transcript of records *CV CONTACT Jens Weber
Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Jens Weber)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

We are looking for a student who will assist us in the development of an institute-wide Website, Front-End as well as Back-End development and related research. What are the typical tasks? • Implementing – under our guidance – novel features into our websites and other applications • Creating (small) front-end applications for demonstrations • Applying security patches, SEO techniques, Stability Testing • Semi-regularly updating a website with current and upcoming events • Server monitoring, Code Refactoring. What prerequisites do you need? • You enjoy technical and implementation work on webservers and seeing your work have an impact on a large audience • You have an independent & knowledge-hungry mindset, and feel at ease diving into code to understand interconnections • Some experience among some of the following: HTML, PHP, SQL, Docker, Mediawiki, Bootstrap, Unix-based Systems, Git, SSH, CI/CD • Programming skills (e.g., Python, Java) are also a plus. What do we offer for you? • A contract with 40-80h per month. The salary is ca. 15€ per hour (depending on the university degree). The contract can last between 2 and 6 months (option for extension). • Flexible working hours, also working at home possible. • Insight into a diverse technical ecosystem you may learn a lot from. • State-of-the-art research can be performed and will be published e.g. at conferences together with the supervisor. Starting date: As soon as possible. Also later applications (in some months) are welcome. Please send your questions and application (with a short CV and a transcript of records) per email to Kristian Noullet
Research group: Web Science (Kristian Noullet)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Frank Dengler)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

See PDF.
Research group: Web Science (Michael Färber)
Description: Link

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Marc Zofka)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability and Society) gehört zum Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) an der KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung steht der Mensch: wir wollen die menschlichen Faktoren in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Privatsphäre genauer untersuchen. Dabei wollen wir Mechanismen entwickeln, die zum einen die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Benutzer adäquat schützen, zum anderen aber auch sehr benutzerfreundlich sind. Darüber hinaus werden Sensibilisierungs- und Schulungsmaßnahmen für diese Thematik entwickelt.

Eine der Forschungsaufgaben von SECUSO ist die Entwicklung von Handlungsempfehlungen für benutzerfreundliche Sicherheits- und Privatsphäre schützende Maßnahmen. Dazu hat SECUSO eigene Tools wie etwa PassSec+ entwickelt. PassSec+ ist eine von SECUSO selbst entwickelte Browser Extension (Add-on), welche den Nutzer vor der Eingabe von sensiblen Daten auf Webseiten in geeigneter Weise warnt, noch bevor er diese eingibt. Dieses Tool soll nach neusten Erkenntnissen und in Vorbereitung zur Evaluation in Nutzerstudien stets weiterentwickelt werden. Dabei brauchen wir Deine Unterstützung!

Research group: Security • Usability • Society (Maxime Veit)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Basil Ell)
Description: Link

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Marc Zofka)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability and Society) gehört zum Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) an der KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung steht der Mensch: wir wollen die menschlichen Faktoren in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Privatsphäre genauer untersuchen. Dabei wollen wir Mechanismen entwickeln, die zum einen die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Benutzer adäquat schützen, zum anderen aber auch sehr benutzerfreundlich sind. Darüber hinaus werden Sensibilisierungs- und Schulungsmaßnahmen für diese Thematik entwickelt. Ziel des Projekts "Effektive Security Awareness am KIT" ist es, eine erste Security Awareness Maßnahme speziell für KIT Mitarbeitende zu entwickeln, zu evaluieren und auf der Basis zu verbessern, um diese dann am KIT zu etablieren. Die beiden Themenkomplexe, die für dieses Vorhaben vorgesehen sind, sind einerseits eine allgemeine Sensibilisierung für Informationssicherheit (d.h. Beschäftigte verstehen, dass nur gemeinsam ein angemessenes Sicherheitsniveau erreicht werden kann, wer die Ansprechpartner sind, wo sie allgemeine Informationen wie die Security Policies finden) und andererseits das Thema Sicherer Arbeitsplatz und E-Mail-Sicherheit (inkl. der Erkennung und des Meldens von Phishing E-Mails und der Verwendung von S/MIME). Aufgabenfelder: ▪ Durchführung von Literaturrecherchen ▪ Erstellung und Korrektur von Informationsmaterialien wie z.B. Grafiken, Texte, etc. ▪ Unterstützung bei der Konzeption, Implementierung und Durchführung von Nutzerstudien ▪ Eingabe und statistische Auswertung von Daten mit Hilfe von R Weitere Details können mit dem Ansprechpartner im Rahmen eines persönlichen Gesprächs erörtert wer-den. Ihre Voraussetzungen: ▪ unabhängiges, eigenverantwortliches und strukturiertes Arbeiten ▪ Interesse sich in neue und sich stets fortentwickelnde Themen einzuarbeiten ▪ Grundkenntnisse bei grafischer Gestaltung (z.B. Photoshop) wünschenswert ▪ Grundkenntnisse der IT-Sicherheit wünschenswert, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich ▪ Grundkenntnisse in quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden wünschenswert ▪ Erfahrung mit Befragungssoftware (z.B. SosciSurvey) und Statistik-Software (z.B. R) von Vorteil ▪ gute Deutsch und Englischkenntnisse Wir bieten: ▪ Abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit starkem Bezug zum realen Nutzer ▪ Erfahrung im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten ▪ Bei hohem Engagement Möglichkeit zur Mitarbeit bei Publikationen
Research group: Security • Usability • Society (Fabian Ballreich)
Description: Link

Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability and Society) gehört zum Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) an der KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung steht der Mensch: wir wollen die menschlichen Faktoren in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Privatsphäre genauer untersuchen. Dabei wollen wir Mechanismen entwickeln, die zum einen die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Benutzer adäquat schützen, zum anderen aber auch sehr benutzerfreundlich sind. Darüber hinaus werden Sensibilisierungs- und Schulungsmaßnahmen für diese Thematik entwickelt. Ziel des Projekts "Effektive Security Awareness am KIT" ist es, eine erste Security Awareness Maßnahme speziell für KIT Mitarbeitende zu entwickeln, zu evaluieren und auf der Basis zu verbessern, um diese dann am KIT zu etablieren. Die beiden Themenkomplexe, die für dieses Vorhaben vorgesehen sind, sind einerseits eine allgemeine Sensibilisierung für Informationssicherheit (d.h. Beschäftigte verstehen, dass nur gemeinsam ein angemessenes Sicherheitsniveau erreicht werden kann, wer die Ansprechpartner sind, wo sie allgemeine Informationen wie die Security Policies finden) und andererseits das Thema Sicherer Arbeitsplatz und E-Mail-Sicherheit (inkl. der Erkennung und des Meldens von Phishing E-Mails und der Verwendung von S/MIME). Aufgabenfelder: ▪ Durchführung von Literaturrecherchen ▪ Erstellung und Korrektur von Informationsmaterialien wie z.B. Grafiken, Texte, etc. ▪ Unterstützung bei der Konzeption, Implementierung und Durchführung von Nutzerstudien ▪ Eingabe und statistische Auswertung von Daten mit Hilfe von R Weitere Details können mit dem Ansprechpartner im Rahmen eines persönlichen Gesprächs erörtert wer-den. Ihre Voraussetzungen: ▪ unabhängiges, eigenverantwortliches und strukturiertes Arbeiten ▪ Interesse sich in neue und sich stets fortentwickelnde Themen einzuarbeiten ▪ Grundkenntnisse bei grafischer Gestaltung (z.B. Photoshop) wünschenswert ▪ Grundkenntnisse der IT-Sicherheit wünschenswert, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich ▪ Grundkenntnisse in quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden wünschenswert ▪ Erfahrung mit Befragungssoftware (z.B. SosciSurvey) und Statistik-Software (z.B. R) von Vorteil ▪ gute Deutsch und Englischkenntnisse Wir bieten: ▪ Abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit starkem Bezug zum realen Nutzer ▪ Erfahrung im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten ▪ Bei hohem Engagement Möglichkeit zur Mitarbeit bei Publikationen
Research group: Security • Usability • Society (Fabian Ballreich)
Description: Link

Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability and Society) gehört zum Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) an der KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung steht der Mensch: wir wollen die menschlichen Faktoren in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Privatsphäre genauer untersuchen. Dabei wollen wir Mechanismen entwickeln, die zum einen die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Benutzer adäquat schützen, zum anderen aber auch sehr benutzerfreundlich sind. Darüber hinaus werden Sensibilisierungs- und Schulungsmaßnahmen für diese Thematik entwickelt. Ziel des Projekts "Effektive Security Awareness am KIT" ist es, eine erste Security Awareness Maßnahme speziell für KIT Mitarbeitende zu entwickeln, zu evaluieren und auf der Basis zu verbessern, um diese dann am KIT zu etablieren. Die beiden Themenkomplexe, die für dieses Vorhaben vorgesehen sind, sind einerseits eine allgemeine Sensibilisierung für Informationssicherheit (d.h. Beschäftigte verstehen, dass nur gemeinsam ein angemessenes Sicherheitsniveau erreicht werden kann, wer die Ansprechpartner sind, wo sie allgemeine Informationen wie die Security Policies finden) und andererseits das Thema Sicherer Arbeitsplatz und E-Mail-Sicherheit (inkl. der Erkennung und des Meldens von Phishing E-Mails und der Verwendung von S/MIME). Aufgabenfelder: ▪ Durchführung von Literaturrecherchen ▪ Erstellung und Korrektur von Informationsmaterialien wie z.B. Grafiken, Texte, etc. ▪ Unterstützung bei der Konzeption, Implementierung und Durchführung von Nutzerstudien ▪ Eingabe und statistische Auswertung von Daten mit Hilfe von R Weitere Details können mit dem Ansprechpartner im Rahmen eines persönlichen Gesprächs erörtert wer-den. Ihre Voraussetzungen: ▪ unabhängiges, eigenverantwortliches und strukturiertes Arbeiten ▪ Interesse sich in neue und sich stets fortentwickelnde Themen einzuarbeiten ▪ Grundkenntnisse bei grafischer Gestaltung (z.B. Photoshop) wünschenswert ▪ Grundkenntnisse der IT-Sicherheit wünschenswert, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich ▪ Grundkenntnisse in quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden wünschenswert ▪ Erfahrung mit Befragungssoftware (z.B. SosciSurvey) und Statistik-Software (z.B. R) von Vorteil ▪ gute Deutsch und Englischkenntnisse Wir bieten: ▪ Abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit starkem Bezug zum realen Nutzer ▪ Erfahrung im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten ▪ Bei hohem Engagement Möglichkeit zur Mitarbeit bei Publikationen
Research group: Security • Usability • Society (Fabian Lucas Ballreich)
Description: Link

Research group: Security • Usability • Society (Anne Hennig)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Web Science (Philipp Sorg)
Description: Link

Job Description: The research assistants will support the scientific staff of the Information Service Engineering (ISE) research group working on large open Knowledge Graphs in tasks like data analysis, knowledge modelling, data cleaning and knowledge mining. Qualifications and Skills: We are looking for highly motivated students (Bachelor or Master level) in computer science, industrial engineering, information sciences or similar, preferably at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT)

The payment is based on the rates of the state of Baden-Württemberg for academic assistants. The employment is temporary. Information Service Engineering (ISE) at FIZ Karlsruhe investigates models and methods for efficient semantic indexing, aggregation, linking and retrieval of comprehensive heterogeneous and distributed data sources. To this end, both statistical and linguistic analysis methods (NLP) as well as machine learning in combination with symbolic logic are applied. ISE research relies and extends on knowledge representation standards developed for the Semantic Web. ISE research application areas include but are not limited to solutions for knowledge extraction, semantic annotation, semantic and exploratory search, as well as recommender systems and question answering. Besides basic methodological research, domains of applied ISE research are, amongst others, cultural heritage, digital humanities, materials science, and research data management.  FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure is one of the leading providers of scientific information and services and a member of the Leibniz Association. Our core tasks are the professional provision of research and patent information to science and industry as well as the development of innovative information infrastructures, e.g., with a focus on research data management, knowledge graphs and digital platforms. To this end, we conduct our own research, cooperate with renowned universities and research societies, and are internationally and interdisciplinarily networked. FIZ Karlsruhe is a limited liability company with a non-profit character and one of the largest non-university institutions of its kind.
Research group: Information Service Engineering (Harald Sack)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

We are looking for students who assist us with research in the areas of wake vortex detection, in cooperation with Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt. Background Wake turbulence are pairs of turbulence generated by aircraft while taking off (Figure 1, left). Flying into wake turbulence can destabilize an aircraft during landing and cause go-around. Thus, minimum distance between landing aircraft is prescribed (Figure 1, right). To make most use of airports’ capacity and ensure environmental sustainability, we will utilize deep neural network to detect wake turbulence. What prerequisites do you need? • Solid programming skills (e.g. Python). • Strong foundation in machine learning, deep learning or artifitial intelligence. • Experience in LiDAR data is a plus. What do we offer for you? • A contract with 20-80h per month (the salary depends on the university degree). The contract can last between 2 and 6 months. • Flexible working hours, also working at home possible. • A variety of tasks so that you can learn a lot. Also state-of-the-art research can be performed and will be published together with the student.
Research group: Web Science (Michael Färber, Shuzhou Yuan)
Description: Link

We are looking for students who assist us with research in the areas of wake vortex detection, in cooperation with Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt. Background Wake turbulence are pairs of turbulence generated by aircraft while taking off. Flying into wake turbulence can destabilize an aircraft during landing and cause go-around. Thus, minimum distance between landing aircraft is prescribed. To make most use of airports’ capacity and ensure environmental sustainability, we will utilize deep neural network to detect wake turbulence. What prerequisites do you need? •Solid programming skills (e.g. Python). •Strong foundation in machine learning, deep learning or artifitial intelligence. •Experience in LiDAR data is a plus. What do we offer for you? •A contract with 20-80h per month (the salary depends on the university degree). The contract can last between 2 and 6 months. •Flexible working hours, also working at home possible. •A variety of tasks so that you can learn a lot. Also state-of-the-art research can be performed and will be published together with the student.
Research group: Web Science (Michael Färber, Shuzhou Yuan)
Description: Link

Research group: Business Information Systems (Andreas Fritsch)
Description: Link

The research assistants will support the scientific staff of the Systems, Data, Simulation & Energy (SYDSEN) research group. The SYDSEN research group concentrates on the use of data for providing decision support and enhancing energy efficiency, reliability and other performance metrics of cyber-physical systems, such as energy systems or smart manufacturing systems. In particular, our focus is on the development of new methods and approaches for data-driven modeling and simulation and its seamless integration with expert knowledge. The positions are linked to our project ONE4ALL (Horizon Europe 2022), which aims to boost manufacturing plants’ transformation, especially SMEs, towards industry 5.0 (I5.0), reinforcing their resilience under unexpected changes in social needs. Our part in this project is the digital replication of the physical modules and processes through data-driven digital twins and controlled by a self-learning AI-based distributed and multidisciplinary decision support system (DSS). The tasks include: • Gathering data requirements and linking them to objectives • Working on developing an architecture for digital twins of manufacturing systems • Regular communication with project partners and demonstrators (manufacturing facilities) • Implementing a proof of concept for the above tasks • Documenting all tasks and outcomes Qualifications and Skills: We are looking for highly motivated students (Bachelor or Master level) in computer science, industrial engineering, information sciences or similar, preferably at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) • Knowledge and experience in the development of software applications, preferably in Python and/or Java • Basic knowledge of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Information Extraction and/or Data Science • Experience and knowledge in modeling, simulation, digital twins and manufacturing systems is a plus • Willingness and ability to communicate with project partners of different backgrounds • Sufficient language skills in English to work in an international team We offer: • A contract with 20-80h per month (the salary depends on the university degree). The contract can last between 2 and 6 months. • Flexible working hours, also working at home possible. • A variety of tasks so that you can learn a lot. Also state-of-the-art research can be performed and will be published together with the student. The payment is based on the rates of the state of Baden-Württemberg for academic assistants. The employment is temporary. Please send your application via email to using the job posting number "S1".
Research group: Systems, Data, Simulation & Energy (Sanja Lazarova-Molnar)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Complexity Management (Oliver Schöll)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

=== Aufgaben ===

Wir bieten:

  • Spannende Tätigkeiten und Einblicke rund um das Thema autonomes Fahren
  • Mitarbeit an aktuellen Forschungsthemen der Forschungsgruppe
  • Bis zu 40 Stunden / Monat (Dauer: 6 Monate, Verlängerung möglich)

Wir erwarten:

  • Erste Erfahrungen im Programmieren
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- oder Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • Einsatzbereitschaft, Selbständigkeit, Kooperationsfähigkeit und Kreativität

Erforderliche Unterlagen:

  • Anschreiben (3-4 Sätze)
  • Kurzer Lebenslauf (max. 2 Seiten)
  • Auszug der aktuellen Studienleistungen

Bewerbungen bitte unter Angabe „Flutter-Entwicklung“ im Betreff per E-Mail an [] .

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Helen Schneider)
Description: Link

=== Aufgaben ===

Wir bieten:

  • Spannende Tätigkeiten und Einblicke rund um das Thema autonomes Fahren
  • Mitarbeit an aktuellen Forschungsthemen der Forschungsgruppe
  • Bis zu 40 Stunden / Monat (Dauer: 6 Monate, Verlängerung möglich)

Wir erwarten:

  • Erste Erfahrungen im Programmieren
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- oder Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • Einsatzbereitschaft, Selbständigkeit, Kooperationsfähigkeit und Kreativität

Erforderliche Unterlagen:

  • Anschreiben (3-4 Sätze)
  • Kurzer Lebenslauf (max. 2 Seiten)
  • Auszug der aktuellen Studienleistungen

Bewerbungen bitte unter Angabe „Python-Entwicklung“ im Betreff per E-Mail an [] .

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Helen Schneider)
Description: Link

The research group Cooperative Autonomous Systems deals with autonomous vehicles and other road users in traffic. We research the latest technologies and methods to make future road traffic safer. By means of simulations in augmented and virtual reality as well as real-lab tests, we are already making the future possible today. You can support us as a student assistant and learn about the latest technologies and get an insight into research. Your tasks are: - Assembling hardware components (Arduino, R-Pi, e-Bike & driving simulator) - Supporting the implementation of user studies (AR and VR) - Extending software components (e.g. Python, C, C# and Unity) - Testing of applications (Windows/Linux, AR/VR) - Contributing your own ideas or assisting with brainstorming You should be motivated and have an interest in new technologies as well as the automotive industry. Previous knowledge of any programming language as well as basic hardware knowledge is an advantage. In return we offer you: - Flexible working hours - Industry and research related activities - Contribution to publications - Working with the latest technologies - Coffee and great colleagues Have we sparked your interest in Vision Zero? Then send an email to Maximilian Schrapel to find out more.
Research group: Cooperative Autonomous Systems (Maximilian Schrapel)
Description: Link

The Cooperative Autonomous Systems research group focuses on autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road users. We research the latest technologies and methods to improve road safety. By means of simulations in augmented and virtual reality as well as real-lab tests, we are already making the future possible today. You can support us as a student assistant and learn about the latest technologies and get an insight into research. Your tasks are: - Assembling hardware components (Arduino, R-Pi, e-Bike & driving simulator) - Supporting the implementation of user studies (AR and VR) - Extending software components (e.g. Python, C, C# and Unity) - Testing of applications (Windows/Linux, AR/VR) - Contributing your own ideas or assisting with brainstorming. You should be motivated and have an interest in new technologies as well as the automotive industry. Previous knowledge of any programming language as well as basic hardware knowledge is an advantage. In return we offer you: - Flexible working hours - Industry and research related activities - Contribution to publications - Working with the latest technologies - Coffee and great colleagues Have we sparked your interest in Vision Zero? Then send an email to Maximilian Schrapel to find out more.
Research group: Cooperative Autonomous Systems (Maximilian Schrapel)
Description: Link

We are looking for students who would like to work as tutors for the course "Applications of Artificial Intelligence" in the winter semester 2023/24. If you have successfully completed the course and have extensive knowledge and experience in this field, you have the opportunity to share your knowledge and help other students in understanding the concepts of artificial intelligence and developing practical applications. As a tutor for "Applications of Artificial Intelligence" in the winter semester 23/24, you will be able to offer individual support to the students, address their questions, and create a tailored learning environment. You can flexibly manage your schedule and deepen your expertise in this exciting field. If you are interested in working as a tutor for the course "Applications of Artificial Intelligence" in the winter semester 23/24, please send an email with your CV and transcript of records to: shuzhou dot yuan at Deadline: 15.07.2023
Research group: Web Science (Shuzhou Yuan)
Description: Link

The goal of your task is to develop a system that can recognize camera-based traffic light signals. Neural networks such as Vision Transformer or modern CNNs should be used for this purpose. Since the network is also intended to be used in our autonomous vehicles in the long term, speed/efficiency plays a crucial role. Your tasks:

You should have:
  • Experience in the field of machine learning, particularly deep learning for computer vision.
  • Excellent knowledge of Python. Knowledge of C++ can be advantageous.
  • Experience in PyTorch or good knowledge of other equivalent frameworks (Tensorflow, Jax).
  • Knowledge of ROS is beneficial but not mandatory.
  • Interest and commitment to the subject matter.
These tasks can also be carried out as part of a master's thesis. If you are interested, please email me with your current transcript and a brief description of why you would like to take on the position.

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Nikolai Polley)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Business Information Systems (Stefan Klink)
Description: Link

We are looking for a student (m/f/d) to assist with the administration of workstations and servers!


  • Maintenance of student workstations (soft- and hardware)
  • Automation of administrative tasks using scripts
  • Support with design and implementation of migrating to a new authentication system
  • Support with design and configuration of a multi-node container virtualization platform

What we offer:

  • Professional supervision
  • Exciting tasks and insights on the topic of autonomous driving
  • Up to 40 hours per month (up to 6 months, can be extended)

What we expect:

  • Proficiency with Linux / system administration
  • Sound understanding of (TCP/IP-based) computer networks
  • Experience in scripting with Python and Bash
  • Experience with Docker or similar.
  • Willingness and ability to acquire new technical knowledge
  • Optional: experience with LDAP / ActiveDirectory and similar technologies.

Required documents:

  • Cover letter (3-4 sentences)
  • Brief CV (max. 2 pages)
  • Excerpt of latest academic achievements

Please email applications to [].

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Ferdinand Mütsch)
Description: Link

Traffic scenarios and situations that are especially critical and/or occur only very rarely in the real world are of particular interest for the development and verification of autonomous vehicles. An essential part of my research is to extract such scenarios automatically from data sets as a first step and generate them synthetically as a next step, using ML methods. For the implementation of this, I am currently looking for a tech-savvy student (m/f/d) to support me (up to 40 hours / month).


  • Implementation of object detection methods on different AD datasets
  • Implementation of conversion between object lists and a graphical scenario representation
  • Implementation of algorithms to extract relevant scenarios from heterogeneous sensor data
  • Integration of simulation environments (esp. CARLA) with our own AD stack and / or open-source stack like Autoware or openPilot
  • Support in design and implementation of Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based methods for representation, clustering and generation of scenarios

What we expect:

  • Very good knowledge and experience in Python
  • Knowledge in the field of machine learning, especially Deep Learning
  • Experience in the use of PyTorch and / or TensorFlow
  • Basic Linux knowledge and experience
  • Willingness and ability to acquire new technical knowledge and read scientific papers

Required documents:

  • Cover letter (3-4 sentences)
  • Brief CV (max. 2 pages)
  • Excerpt of latest academic achievements

Please email applications to [].

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Ferdinand Mütsch)
Description: Link

We are looking for a committed student (m/f/d) to assist us in the lecture Machine Learning 1 and Machine Learning 2 in researching lecture content, creating lecture slides, and exercises.


  • Research and compilation of current contents on the topics of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Topics: Transformer, Large-Scale Training, Generative Models, Reinforcement Learning, Graph Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Fundamentals, etc.
  • Creation and design of lecture slides and supporting materials
  • Development of exercise tasks and projects
  • Collaboration with lecturers for the continuous improvement of lecture content

We offer:

  • Committed support by the chair team
  • Interesting and varied topics and activities in the field of machine learning
  • Up to 40 hours / month (Duration: 6 months, extension possible)

We expect:

  • Basic knowledge in machine learning
  • Language skills in English and/or German
  • Experience in the use of tools such as Python, Powerpoint
  • Independent work style and creativity in the creation of materials
  • Willingness and ability to engage in new topics and technologies
  • Optional: Experience in teaching or tutoring

Required documents:

  • Cover letter (3-4 sentences)
  • Short resume (max. 2 pages)
  • Excerpt of current academic achievements

Applications by email to [].

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Marcus Fechner)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Simulations are an essential part of training and testing autonomous driving functions and come with a range of benefits over real-world experiments. Game engine-based 3D simulation environments such as CARLA, Microsoft AirSim, IPG CarMaker or NVIDIA DriveSim offer versatile possibilities for the simulation of sensor technology, vehicle dynamics, etc.

I am in search for a student (m/f/d) to support me with configuration, implementation and possibly extension of simulation environments (primarily CARLA).


  • Integration of our AV software stack with CARLA for testing and data collection
  • Integration of available open-source AV software stacks (openPilot, Autoware, ...) with CARLA
  • Implementation of scripts for dynamic creation and resimulation of traffic scenarios in CARLA
  • Creation of new maps and assets for CARLA and Unreal 4
  • General support in software development (primarily Python) in the context of simulations

What we expect

  • Good knowledge and experience with Python
  • Basic Linux knowledge and experience
  • Basic knowledge of 3D modeling (Blender) or willingness to acquire such
  • Willingness and ability to acquire new technical knowledge and understand scientific papers
  • Optional: Basic knowledge in the field of machine learning

Required documents

  • Cover letter (3-4 sentences)
  • Brief CV (max. 2 pages)
  • Excerpt of latest academic achievements

Please email applications to [].

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Ferdinand Mütsch)
Description: Link

  • Position: Student Research Assistant (Hiwi)
  • Department: Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods
  • Supervisor: Marcus Fechner
  • Location: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

About Us

At the research group “Applied Technical-Cognitive Systems”, we are at the forefront of deep learning in the context of applied machine intelligence. Our research is in the area of autonomous systems, from self-driving cars (CoCar NextGen, CoCar and the shuttles Anna and Ella) to autonomous service robots. We utilize deep learning and other machine learning based approaches to advance these fields.

Position Overview
  • Position: Student Assistant
  • Start Date: As soon as possible
  • Working Hours: 20 - 80 hours per month
  • Duration: 6 months with possibility of extension

Job Description

Developing generally capable reinforcement learning agents poses a significant challenge, especially in hard exploration tasks. Expert robotic data is scarce and expensive, but also reward functions are not easy to design for complex tasks. On the other hand, unlabeled expert video data is abundant, but not straightforward to learn behavioral priors from, as no labels exist (actions).

In this research, we want to investigate how we can train agents on unlabeled expert videos, such as YouTube videos, in a scalable way to master a wide variety of complex tasks, not solvable by conventional reinforcement learning. For support on this topic, we are searching for a motivated student.

Your primary responsibilities will include:

  • Implementing and training deep learning models.
  • Reading related research papers and participating in discussions on the topic.
  • Collaborating with us on experimental design, execution, and evaluation.
  • Other tasks as assigned related to our research.

  • Current enrollment as a student at KIT.
  • Strong interest in deep learning and machine learning.
  • Knowledge of the programming language Python.
  • Knowledge of PyTorch and/or Tensorflow.
  • Experience in working with Linux and Git.
  • Motivated to read research papers.
  • Motivated, responsible, and a quick learner.
  • Speak either German and/or English.

What we Offer
  • Gain hands-on experience in the field of deep learning and conducting systematic research.
  • Work closely with experienced researchers and PhD candidates.
  • Weekly to bi-weekly meetings with supervisor.
  • Coding support and helpful supervision.
  • Flexible working hours to accommodate your class schedule and the option for working remotely.
  • Contribute to research projects and papers.
  • Access to top-of-the-line deep learning workstations with the latest GPUs.

How to Apply

If you are enthusiastic about deep learning and eager to contribute to our research, please send your application to [] with the following documents:

  1. Cover letter (0.25-0.5 pages): Why do you want to work on this topic? Why are you suitable for the position? (mention your interests and relevant skills).
  2. CV/Resume (max. 2 pages).
  3. Recent transcript of records / grading table.
  4. Optional: Any relevant coding or project portfolio.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact []. Natürlich auch gerne auf Deutsch :)

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Marcus Fechner)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

  • Position: Student Research Assistant (Hiwi)
  • Department: Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods
  • Supervisor: Marcus Fechner
  • Location: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

About Us

At the research group “Applied Technical-Cognitive Systems”, we are at the forefront of deep learning in the context of applied machine intelligence. Our research is in the area of autonomous systems, from self-driving cars (CoCar NextGen, CoCar, and the shuttles Anna and Ella) to autonomous service robots. We utilize deep learning and other machine learning-based approaches to advance these fields.

Position Overview
  • Position: Student Assistant
  • Start Date: As soon as possible
  • Working Hours: 20 - 80 hours per month
  • Duration: 6 months with the possibility of extension

Job Description

Dealing with the real world is challenging, as changing weather conditions, new objects, situations, etc. alter the data observed by the model. In practice, this data distribution shift or out-of-distribution data makes the model unreliable and hinders the safe deployment of deep neural networks in critical use cases, for example, autonomous driving. Models that fail to generalize in such scenarios may result in dangerous or catastrophic behavior.

In this research, we want to investigate how we can integrate different methods to estimate uncertainty in popular object detection models, to reliably detect when the model might fail. For support on this topic, we are searching for a motivated student.

Your primary responsibilities will include:

  • Implementing and training deep learning models.
  • Reading related research papers and participating in discussions on the topic.
  • Collaborating with us on experimental design, execution, and evaluation.
  • Other tasks as assigned related to our research.

  • Current enrollment as a student at KIT.
  • Strong interest in deep learning and machine learning.
  • Knowledge of the programming language Python.
  • Knowledge of PyTorch and/or Tensorflow.
  • Experience in working with Linux and Git.
  • Motivated to read research papers.
  • Motivated, responsible, and a quick learner.
  • Speak either German and/or English.

What we Offer
  • Gain hands-on experience in the field of deep learning and conducting systematic research.
  • Work closely with experienced researchers and PhD candidates.
  • Weekly to bi-weekly meetings with supervisor.
  • Coding support and helpful supervision.
  • Flexible working hours to accommodate your class schedule and the option for working remotely.
  • Contribute to research projects and papers.
  • Access to top-of-the-line deep learning workstations with the latest GPUs.

How to Apply

If you are enthusiastic about deep learning and eager to contribute to our research, please send your application to [] with the following documents:

  1. Cover letter (0.25-0.5 pages): Why do you want to work on this topic? Why are you suitable for the position? (mention your interests and relevant skills).
  2. CV/Resume (max. 2 pages).
  3. Recent transcript of records / grading table.
  4. Optional: Any relevant coding or project portfolio.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact []. Natürlich auch gerne auf Deutsch :)

Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Marcus Fechner)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Efficient Algorithms (Andreas Kamper)
Description: Link