
Semantische Suche

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Student Assistants / Tutors

[[HiWi zum Thema Dienste im Web/en|]]
Research group: Web Science (Steffen Stadtmüller)
Description: Link

[[HiWi zur Unterstützung der Lehre im Bereich Wissensmanagement/en|]]
Research group: Web Science (Anja Hess)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

[SFB Hiwi/en|]
Research group: Web Science (Patrick Philipp)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Steffen Thoma)
Description: Link

We are looking for 3 research assistants (m/f/x) to start the earliest possible.

Your tasks: The research assistants will support the scientific staff of the Information Service Engineering (ISE) research group headed by Prof. Dr. Harald Sack working on large open Knowledge Graphs in tasks like data analysis, knowledge modeling, data cleaning, and knowledge mining.

Personal qualification: *We are looking for highly motivated students (Bachelor or Master level) in computer science, industrial engineering, information sciences or similar, preferably at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT ) *Knowledge and experience in the development of software applications, preferably in Python and/or Java *Basic knowledge of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Linked Data Engineering, Information Retrieval and/or Data Science *Basic knowledge in the use of knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia or Wikidata *Ability to quickly learn new topics and tasks *Sufficient language skills in English to work in an international team
The payment is based on the rates of the state of Baden-Württemberg for academic assistants. The employment is temporary.

Please send your detailed application documents stating the reference number 18/2019 in writing or by e-mail to [ Harald Sack].

Research group: Information Service Engineering (Harald Sack)
Description: Link

Your tasks: The research assistants will support the scientific staff of the Information Service Engineering (ISE) research group working on large open knowledge graphs [1,2] in tasks like data analysis, knowledge modeling, data cleaning, and knowledge mining. [1] [2] Personal qualification: • We are looking for students (Bachelor or Master level) in computer science, industrial engineering, information sciences or similar, preferably at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT ) • Knowledge and experience in the development of software applications, preferably in Python and/or Java • Basic knowledge of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Linked Data Engineering, Information Retrieval and/or Data Science • Basic knowledge in the use of knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia or Wikidata • Ability to quickly familiarize yourself with new topics and tasks • Sufficient language skills in English to work in an international team
Research group: Information Service Engineering (Harald Sack)
Description: Link

We (Institute AIFB, Knowledge Management Group) are as of now looking for a student who is proficient in either Python or PHP or at least likes and knows how to program and would be willing to acquire the necessary skills in Python on the job. The task: Help us develop (or advance) tools aimed at solving certain tasks related to Wikipedia. These include for example the accurate detection of authorship and other, data and knowledge mining related tasks. A big advantage is that we are working closely together with Wikimedia Germany and the tools you help to build will most likely be used on a larger scale and have some impact. Also, this job offers superb opportunities to publish and/or develop a final thesis out of this. We need a short mail with a description why you consider yourself fitting for the job as well as a meaningful CV (especially covering coding experience). Work samples are not necessary but helpful. Everything else will be discussed in person. Contact: WWW:
Research group: Web Science (Fabian Flöck)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Your tasks: The research assistants will support the scientific staff of the Information Service Engineering (ISE) research group working on large open knowledge graphs [1,2] in tasks like data analysis, knowledge modeling, data cleaning, and knowledge mining. [1] [2] Personal qualification: • We are looking for students (Bachelor or Master level) in computer science, industrial engineering, information sciences or similar, preferably at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT ) • Knowledge and experience in the development of software applications, preferably in Python and/or Java • Basic knowledge of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Linked Data Engineering, Information Retrieval and/or Data Science • Basic knowledge in the use of knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia or Wikidata • Ability to quickly familiarize yourself with new topics and tasks • Sufficient language skills in English to work in an international team The payment is based on the rates of the state of Baden-Württemberg for academic assistants. The employment is temporary. Please send your detailed application documents in by e-mail to: • Prof. Dr. Harald Sack ( or ) • Dr. Maria Koutraki ( or )
Research group: Information Service Engineering (Harald Sack)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Patrick Philipp)
Description: Link

Research group: Efficient Algorithms (Daniel Pathmaperuma)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Efficient Algorithms (Christian Hirsch)
Description: Link

Research group: Efficient Algorithms (Sebastian Kochanneck)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Efficient Algorithms (Kaibin Bao)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Web Science (Andreas Thalhammer)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Web Science (Beate Kühner)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Maria Maleshkova)
Description: Link

Research group: Efficient Algorithms (Christian Hirsch)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Efficient Algorithms (Holger Prothmann)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Patrick Philipp)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Web Science (Steffen Thoma)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Shuzhou Yuan)
Description: Link

Research group: Business Information Systems (Agnes Koschmider)
Description: Link

Automated, cooperative vehicles have to make decisions in road traffic in a highly dynamic, interacting and incompletely perceptible environment. Previous approaches are usually only considering an egocentric perspective, without considering any cooperative aspects, with or between others. For the prediction and planning of cooperative driving maneuvers, methods for searching and learning are developed which account for the interdependencies of individual traffic participants, as well as model the system states probabilistically. TASKS The project encompasses a variety of tasks among other things we seek support in the following areas. *Learning of cost metrics for driving maneuvers (Inverse Reinforcement Learning) *Learning of behavior models (Deep Reinforcement Learning) *Hyper Parameter Optimization (Baysian Optimization) *Parallelizing of the search method *Description and creation of test scenarios *Inferring cooperative aspects WE OFFER *An interdisciplinary research environment with partners from science and industry *A constructive collaboration with bright, motivated employees *A pleasant working atmosphere WE EXPECT *Ability to implement both state of the art and experimental algorithms *Basic C++ or Python knowledge (C++11, STL, etc.) *Sound English or German skills *High creativity and productivity *Knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence (especially searching and learning), game theory or related areas are a plus *Experiences with methods for searching and learning, e.g. Monte Carlo tree search/Reinforcement Learning are a plus REQUIRED DOCUMENTS *current transcript of records *CV CONTACT Karl Kurzer
Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Karl Kurzer)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Business Information Systems (Agnes Koschmider)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability and Society) gehört zum Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung steht der Mensch: wir wollen die menschlichen Faktoren in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Privatsphäre genauer untersuchen. Dabei wollen wir Mechanismen entwickeln, die zum einen die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Benutzer adäquat schützen, zum anderen aber auch sehr benutzerfreundlich sind. Darüber hinaus werden Sensibilisierungs- und Schulungsmaßnahmen für diese Thematik entwickelt. Mögliche Aufgabenfelder: * Studienplanung und Erhebung von Nutzerdaten * Eingabe und statistische Auswertung von Daten mit Hilfe von SPSS und/oder R * Recherche von Literatur zu verschiedenen Themen im Bereich IT Security & Privacy * Programmieren von Privacy und Security Maßnahmen * Unterstützung bei Events und Workshops Weitere Details können mit dem Ansprechpartner im Rahmen eines persönlichen Gesprächs erörtert werden. Ihre Voraussetzungen: * unabhängiges, eigenverantwortliches und strukturiertes Arbeiten * Interesse sich in neue und sich stets fortentwickelnde Themen einzuarbeiten * Grundkenntnisse der IT-Sicherheit (wünschenswert, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich) * Erfahrung mit Statistik-Software (z.B. SPSS) oder Programmierkenntnisse (z.B. Java) von Vorteil Wir bieten: * Abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit starkem Bezug zum realen Nutzer * Interdisziplinarität mit Schnittpunkten von Psychologie, Informatik, Design und HCI * Erfahrung im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten * Bei hohem Engagement Möglichkeit zur Mitarbeit bei Publikationen Die Tätigkeit kann zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt begonnen werden. Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung (Lebenslauf, Zeugnis, kurzes Anschreiben (optional) und gewünschte Stundenanzahl pro Monat) schicken Sie bitte per E-Mail an [].
Research group: Security • Usability • Society (Benjamin Maximilian Reinheimer)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Patrick Philipp)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Web Science (Tobias Weller)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Tobias Weller)
Description: Link



  • Unterstützung bei der Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten rund um die Themen künstliche Intelligenz, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Digital Health, Information Security / Information Privacy
  • Pflege und Überarbeitung der Website unserer Forschungsgruppe
  • Unterstützung bei der Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Aufbereitung und Erstellung von Vorlesungsfolien und Grafiken

Dein Profil:

  • Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • Sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office-Anwendungen (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Einsatzbereitschaft, Selbständigkeit, Kooperationsfähigkeit und Teamgeist

Wir bieten Dir:

  • Spannende Tätigkeiten und Einblicke in verschiedene Forschungsprojekte
  • Mitarbeit an aktuellen Forschungsthemen der Forschungsgruppe
  • 40 Stunden / Monat (Dauer: 6 Monate, Verlängerung möglich)

Erforderliche Unterlagen:

  • Anschreiben (max. 1 Seite)
  • Kurzer Lebenslauf (max. 2 Seiten)
  • Auszug der aktuellen Studienleistungen

Sende Deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung unter Angabe der Kennziffer "H2" per E-Mail an Frau Elisabeth Lieder (elisabeth.lieder(at)


Research group: Critical Information Infrastructures (Malte Greulich)
Description: Link

We are looking for students who assist us in performing research in the research areas of machine learning, natural language processing, and Semantic Web. What are the typical tasks? • Implementing – under our guidance – novel scientific approaches and demonstration systems (e.g., semantic search systems, recommender systems in combination with knowledge graphs), and creating new data sets for the scientific community. • Running existing software for building up knowledge graphs, performing information extraction on texts, evaluating neural networks, recommending publications for reading or citing, … • Perform data analysis, e.g., on RDF knowledge graphs (DBpedia, Wikidata, …). What prerequisites do you need? • You have fun with working with data, using methods and techniques from machine learning, text mining, data science, etc. • You are interested in state-of-the-art research on machine learning, natural language processing, and/or Semantic Web technologies. • You have at least basic programming skills (e.g., in Python). What do we offer for you? • A contract with 40-80h per month. The salary is 12.36€ per hour (depending on the university degree). The contract can last between 2 and 6 months (option for extension). • Flexible working hours, also working at home possible. • A variety of tasks so that you can learn a lot. Also state-of-the-art research can be performed and will be published together with the student. • If the student likes the work, it can be extended in the form of a Bachelor/Master thesis.
Research group: Web Science (Michael Färber)
Description: Link

Research group: Business Information Systems (Agnes Koschmider)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Web Science (Anna Nguyen)
Description: Link

Research group: Business Information Systems (Agnes Koschmider)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Web Science (Andreas Wagner)
Description: Link

Research group: Business Information Systems (Gunther Schiefer)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Michael Färber)
Description: Link

Research group: Business Information Systems (Meike Ullrich)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

[[Stellenausschreibung1338/en|We are looking for a student to assist us in improving and conducting the lecture “Knowledge Discovery” and its accompanying exercise (PDF).]]
Research group: Web Science (Tarek Saier)
Description: Link

The ATKS department develops computer and server infrastructure to provide various services, such as student workstations, source code management and issue tracking, as well as automated build and deployment systems. To support the team of administrators, a long-term position as student assistant is offered. TASKS The versatile tasks include: * Setting up new systems * Regular software updates * Diagnosis of faulty systems * Administration of network services * Packaging of Debian packages * Minor hardware repairs * and much more WE OFFER *An interdisciplinary research environment with partners from science and industry *A constructive collaboration with bright, motivated employees *A pleasant working atmosphere WE EXPECT *Knowledge and practical experience with Linux *Sound knowledge of English or German *High problem-solving competence *Motivation and commitment *Experience with Python, Git and Apt is an advantage REQUIRED DOCUMENTS *current transcript of records *CV CONTACT Karl Kurzer
Research group: Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (Karl Kurzer)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

We are looking for students who assist us in performing research in the research areas of machine learning, natural language processing, and Semantic Web.

What are the typical tasks?
• Implementing – under our guidance – novel scientific approaches and demonstration systems (e.g., semantic search systems, recommender systems in combination with knowledge graphs), and creating new data sets for the scientific community.
• Running existing software for building up knowledge graphs, performing information extraction on texts, evaluating neural networks, recommending publications for reading or citing, …
• Perform data analysis, e.g., on RDF knowledge graphs (DBpedia, Wikidata, …).

What prerequisites do you need?
• You are not afraid of working with data and running code for machine learning, text mining, etc.
• You are interested in state-of-the-art research on machine learning, natural language processing, and/or Semantic Web technologies.
• You have at least basic programming skills (e.g., in Python).

What do we offer for you?
• A contract with 40-80h per month. The salary is 12.36€ per hour (depending on the university degree). The contract can last between 2 and 6 months (option for extension).
• Flexible working hours, also working at home possible.
• A variety of tasks so that you can learn a lot. Also state-of-the-art research can be performed and will be published together with the student.
• If the student likes the work, it can be extended in the form of a Bachelor/Master thesis.

Starting date: As soon as possible. Also later applications (in some months) are welcome.

Research group: Web Science (Michael Färber)
Description: Link

Research group: Web Science (Kristian Noullet)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Research group: Complexity Management (Hagen Buchwald)
Description: Link

See German website (German language skills are required).
Research group: Business Information Systems (Daniel Sommer)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

Das ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien wurde 1989 mit der Aufgabe gegründet, die klassischen Künste ins digitale Zeitalter fortzuschreiben. Im Rahmen des Projekts »As We May Speak« entwickelt das ZKM einen Chatbot für die kulturelle Wissensvermittlung – der Austausch mit der Öffentlichkeit soll dialogischer, individueller und einfacher werden. Der Chatbot soll auf den gängigen Messaging-Plattformen, über die Website sowie auf Terminals im ZKM verfügbar sein. Das ZKM reagiert damit auf einen technischen Paradigmenwechsel: die Verbreitung von Conversational User Interfaces (CUI). Mit dieser Entwicklung sollen aktuelle ML Ansätze evaluiert werden, die eine Dialogführung ermöglichen, die über die Fähigkeiten eines einfachen ServiceBots hinausgehen. Im Zuge des Projekts erfolgt die Optimierung der im ZKM vorliegenden Daten im Hinblick auf ihre Maschinenlesbarkeit, wodurch auch Grundlagen für künftige digitale Projekte geschaffen werden. Aufgaben: Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung des Chatbot Backends Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung des Chatbot Frontends Evaluation von verschiedenen ML Techniken für Question-Answering und Text-Generierung (GTP-2, BERT, Transformer-XL, ...) Aufarbeitung der verteilten Daten aus unterschiedlichen Quellen Profil: Gute Python-Kenntnisse Kenntnisse im Bereich Webentwicklung Gute Linux Kenntnisse Anfragen bitte an und
Research group: Web Science (Michael Färber)
Description: Sorry, no description available!

FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure is one of the leading provider for scientific information and services and a member of the Leibniz Association. The goal of FIZ Karlsruhe is not only to provide professional research and patent information to researchers and industry but also the development of innovative services in the field of scientific information infrastructure. It thereby carries out independent research projects and cooperates with renowned universities and research companies. FIZ Karlsruhe is a private company and recognized organization of public interest and one of the largest non-university information infrastructure facilities in Germany. We are looking for 3 research assistants (m/f/x) for our location in Karlsruhe to start the earliest possible. Your tasks: The research assistants will support the scientific staff of the Information Service Engineering (ISE) research group headed by Prof. Dr. Harald Sack working on large open Knowledge Graphs in tasks like data analysis, knowledge modeling, data cleaning, and knowledge mining. Personal qualification: *We are looking for highly motivated students (Bachelor or Master level) in computer science, industrial engineering, information sciences or similar, preferably at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT ) *Knowledge and experience in the development of software applications, preferably in Python and/or Java *Basic knowledge of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Linked Data Engineering, Information Retrieval and/or Data Science *Basic knowledge in the use of knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia or Wikidata *Ability to quickly learn new topics and tasks *Sufficient language skills in English to work in an international team The payment is based on the rates of the state of Baden-Württemberg for academic assistants. The employment is temporary. Please send your detailed application documents to [ Harald Sack].
Research group: Information Service Engineering (Harald Sack)
Description: Sorry, no description available!