
Nugroho Fredivianus/Publikationen

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Publikationen von Nugroho Fredivianus


Nugroho Fredivianus, Kais Kara, Hartmut Schmeck
Stay real!: XCS with rule combining for real values
Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion, Seiten: 1493-1494, ACM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Juli, 2012

Nugroho Fredivianus, Holger Prothmann, Hartmut Schmeck
XCS Revisited: A Novel Discovery Component for the eXtended Classifier System
In Kalyanmoy Deb and others, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning (SEAL-2010), Seiten: 289-298, Springer, LNCS, 6457, Berlin Heidelberg, Dezember, 2010

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Nugroho Fredivianus, Urban Richter, Hartmut Schmeck
Collaborating and Learning Predators on a Pursuit Scenario
In Mike Hinchey, Bernd Kleinjohann, Lisa Kleinjohann, Peter Lindsay, Franz Rammig, Jon Timmis, and Marilyn Wolf, Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems, Seiten 290-301, Springer, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol.329, Boston, September, 2010

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Nugroho Fredivianus
Heuristic-based Genetic Operation in Classifier Systems
Hartmut Schmeck; Rudi Studer, 2015/02/27, KIT, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften.

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