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News of August 14, 2023

SYDSEN is participating in the EPICUR Exchange Programme between SDU and KIT

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[Odense], [August 16 – 18] - SYDSEN - Systems, Data, Simulation & Energy Research Group is participating in the Exchange Programme between the Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), supported as part of the EPICUR University Alliance, which has been scheduled to take place from the 16th to the 18th of August, 2023. Prof. Dr. Sanja Lazarova-Molnar, affiliated with both KIT and SDU, is coordinating this collaboration exchange programme.

Within this programme, PhD Candidates Atieh Khodadadi and Manuel Götz from the SYDSEN Research Group will visit the MSDA (Modeling, Simulation and Data Analytics) Research Group at SDU's Odense campus. This research-oriented exchange encompasses a Joint Research Seminar aimed at fostering meaningful discussions and productive brainstorming workshops to further advance EPICUR's objectives. The programme promotes cooperation and knowledge sharing between EPICUR universities, enhancing cross-border academic ties.

More info at:

From the research group Systems, Data, Simulation & Energy