
Detlef Seese/Vorträge

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Vorträge von Detlef Seese

Detlef Seese
Logik und Dominos als Werkzeuge zum besseren Verständnis von Komplexität und zur Erzeugung effizienter Lösungen
Kolloquium,  Universität Trier
Trier,  12.2.2008

Detlef Seese
Von Entscheidbarkeits- und Interpretierbarkeitsuntersuchungen für Graphen zum Verständnis algorithmischer Komplexität
Festkolloquium (zu Ehren des Ausscheidens von Heinrich Herre),  Universität Leipzig
Leipzig,  1.2.2008

Detlef Seese
Logic and tilings as tools to understand complexity and to derive efficient solutions
The International Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs (IWAAG 2007), 
Sendai, Japan,  16.12.2007

Detlef Seese
Easy problems for grid structured graphs
International Frontiers in Algorithmics Workshop FAW 2007, 
Lanzhou, China,  2.8.2007

Detlef Seese
Classes of graphs with a periodic structure, Structure Theory and FPT Algorithmics for graphs, Digraphs and Hypergraphs
Dagstuhl Seminare 07281,  Erik Demain (MIT, USA), Gregory Gutin (Royal Holloway, Univ. London, UL), Ulrike Steeger (Univ. Victoria, Canada), Daniel Marx (Humboldt Univ. , Germany)
The International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science in Schloss Dagstuhl,  12.7.2007

Detlef Seese
Strukturelle Ansätze und intelligente Systeme - Graphen, Märkte und Geschäftsprozesse
Workshop Wissenschaftsjournalismus "Schreiben über Informatik", 
Schloss Dagstuhl,  9.7.2007

Detlef Seese
Complexity and Machine Learning in Finance and Business - examples of a fruitful cooperation
Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group (IMLRG) Workshop 2007, 
University of Newcastle,  2.3.2007

Detlef Seese
Investigating FX Market Efficiency with Support Vector Machines
Conference on Quantitative Methods in Finance (QMF), 
Sydney (Australien),  15.12.2006

Detlef Seese
Structural Reasons of Complexity and Applications in Finance
Vortrag an der University of New South Wales, 
Sydney (Australien),  7.12.2006

Detlef Seese
Complexity and Intelligent Systems in Finance
Vortrag an der University of New South Wales, 
Sydney (Australien),  5.12.2006

Detlef Seese
Observations on Logical Ways to Avoid Complexity for Graph Problems
Colloquium of the Chinese University of Hong Kong,  Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hongkong (China),  30.11.2006

Detlef Seese
From Complex Problems to Efficient Solutions: A Structural and Logical Approach
Colloquium of the City University of Hong Kong,  City University Hong Kong
Hongkong (China),  28.11.2006

Detlef Seese
Trees, Grids and Matroids: Observations on Logical Ways to Avoid Complexity
Second Algorithms and Complexity in Durham Workshop (ACiD), 
Durham (Großbritannien),  20.9.2006

Detlef Seese
Ein struktureller und logischer Ansatz zum Komplexitätsmanagement

Jena,  3.7.2006

Detlef Seese
Complexity in a Foreign Exchange Market
Workshop "Approaching Complex Tasks with Kernel Methods",  Graduiertenkolleg IME, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Karlsruhe,  26.1.2006

Detlef Seese
From complex problems to efficient solutions: a structural and logical approach
Mathematischen Kolloquium der Universität Metz, 
Metz,  13.10.2005

Detlef Seese
From graphs to matroids and back: some remarks on MSO, decidability and structure
Dagstuhl Seminar 05301: Exact Algorithms and Fixed-Parameter Tractability, 
Wadern,  25.7.2005

Detlef Seese
The ABC of complexity: structural investigations in algorithms, business and complexity
Symposium From Theory to Applications A symposium in celebration of Professor Stefan Arnborg's 60th birthday,  Universität Stockholm
Stockholm,  25.2.2005

Detlef Seese
Decidability and computability for matroids of bounded branch-width
International Conference on Graph Transformations (ICGT 2004 - September 29th until October 1st, Rome) Satelite Workshop: Logic Graph Transformations, Finite and Infinite Structures, 
Rom,  1.10.2004

Detlef Seese
The building blocks of complexity: a unified criterion and selected applications in risk management
Workshop "Complex Behaviour in Economics: Modelling, Computing and Mastering Complexity" Complexity2003,  Workshop "Complex Behaviour in Economics: Modelling, Computing and Mastering Complexity" Complexity2003
La Baume-les-Aix,  7.5.2003

Detlef Seese
Complexity and dynamic systems: tree-width, regularity and information flow
Workshop,  Graph Transformation, First International Conference, ICGT 2002, October 7 - 12, 2002
Barcelona, Spanien,  12.10.2002

Detlef Seese
A Structural Approach to the Complexity of Graph Algorithms
Seminar der Information Visualization Research Group,  The University of Sydney, Information Visualization Research Group, School of Information Technologies
Sydney, Australien,  10.5.2002

Detlef Seese
Complexity management: a structural approach
The Applied Mathematics Seminar,  University of Sydney, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Sydney, Australien,  8.5.2002

Detlef Seese
Complexity and financial decision problems
Sydney Financial Mathematics Workshop,  Qgroup Australia
Sydney, Australien,  8.5.2002

Detlef Seese
Complexity, risk and intelligent systems
Seminar der School of Finance and Economics,  (UTS University of Technology Sydney, School of Finance and Economics, Faculty of Business
Sydney, Australien,  3.5.2002

Detlef Seese
Could there be a uniform structural reason for high complexity? Part II
Seminar des Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering,  University of Newcastle, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Newcastle, Australien,  16.4.2002

Detlef Seese
Could there be a uniform structural reason for high complexity? Part I
Seminar des Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering,  University of Newcastle, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Newcastle, Australien,  11.4.2002

Detlef Seese
Logical ways to reduce complexity by avoiding grids: A survey on results and problems
Seminar des Department of Computer and Software Engineering,  University of Newcastle, Department of Computer and Software Engineering
Newcastle, Australien,  27.3.2002

Detlef Seese
Complexity management and Structure: A survey on results and problems
Mathematics & Computer Science Seminar,  Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Wellington, New Zealand,  8.3.2002