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Composite Solutions for Consumer-Driven Supply Chains: How to Control the Service-enabling Ecosystem?

Published: 2009 Oktober
Type: Technical Report
Nummer: 1.0Der Datenwert „.0“ kann einem Attribut des Datentyps Zahl nicht zugeordnet werden sondern bspw. der Datenwert „1“.
Institution: Institut AIFB, KIT
Erscheinungsort / Ort: Karlsruhe
Bemerkung: This report was developed in cooperation of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and SAP


In this paper the authors review the shift from classical supply chains to more dynamic value net designs. They elaborate on the required changes in managerial control to successfully manage a coherent supply of external services on top of a platform to provide customer centric platform solutions. Therefore, they introduce six categories of platform mechanisms that platform operators use to control the overall ecosystem evolution as well as individual service enabler behavior. Finally, they show that provision of extended user information offers the broadest ground for an improvement of platform-based control by empowering autonomous service enablers to optimize their service portfolio according to the most recent consumer needs and, therefore, to increase the customer perceived value of the overall platform solution.

Download: Media:Technical Report AIFB KIT Scholten Scholten Fischer.pdf




Ökonomie und Technologie der eOrganisation


Dies ist die Version 1.0. Sie wurde von Prof.Dr Stefan Tai, AIFB freigegeben.