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Level mapping characterizations of selector-generated models for logic programs

Level mapping characterizations of selector-generated models for logic programs

Published: 2005 Februar
Herausgeber: Armin Wolf, Thom W. Frühwirth, Marc Meister
Buchtitel: 19th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, Ulm, Germany, February 2005
Ausgabe: 2005-01
Reihe: Ulmer Informatik-Berichte
Seiten: 65-75
Verlag: Universität Ulm

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Assigning semantics to logic programs via selector generated models (Schwarz 2002/2003) extends several semantics, like the stable, the inflationary, and the stable generated semantics, to programs with arbitrary formulae in rule heads and bodies. We study this approach by means of a unifying framework for characterizing different logic programming semantics using level mappings (Hitzler and Wendt 2005, Hitzler 2003), thereby supporting the claim that this framework is very flexible and applicable to very diversely defined semantics.

Download: Media:2005_804_Hitzler_Level_mapping_c_1.pdf




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