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Cross-lingual Information Retrieval based on Multiple Indexes

Cross-lingual Information Retrieval based on Multiple Indexes

Published: 2009 September

Buchtitel: Working Notes for the CLEF 2009 Workshop
Verlag: Cross-lingual Evaluation Forum
Erscheinungsort: Corfu, Greece

Referierte Veröffentlichung


In this paper we present the technical details of the retrieval system with which we participated at the CLEF09 Ad-hoc TEL task. We present a retrieval approach based on multiple indexes for di�erent languages which is combined with a conceptbased retrieval approach based on Explicit Semantic Analysis. In order to create the language-speci�c indices for each language, a language detection approach is applied as preprocessing step. We combine the di�erent indices through rank aggregation and present our experimental results with di�erent rank aggregation strategies. Our results show that the use of multiple indices (one for each language) does not improve upon a baseline index containing documents in all languages. The combination with concept based retrieval, however, results in better retrieval performance in some of the cases considered. For the bi-lingual tasks the �nal retrieval results of our system were the 5th best results on the BL dataset and the second best on the BNF dataset.

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Information Retrieval, Natürliche Sprachverarbeitung