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Porting Natural Language Interfaces between Domains -- An Experimental User Study with the ORAKEL System

Porting Natural Language Interfaces between Domains -- An Experimental User Study with the ORAKEL System

Published: 2007

Buchtitel: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Seiten: 180-189

Referierte Veröffentlichung


We present a user-centered model for porting natural language interfaces (NLIs) between domains efficiently. The model assumes that domain experts without any background knowledge about computational linguistics will perform the customization of the NLI to a specific domain. In fact, it merely requires familiarity with the underlying knowledge base as well as with a few basic subcategorization types. Our model is iterative in the sense that the adaption of the NLI is performed in several cycles on the basis of the questions which the NLI failed to answer, thus iteratively increasing the coverage of the system. We provide experimental evidence in form of a user study as well as a case study involving a real-world application corroborating that our model is indeed a feasible way of customizing the interface to a certain domain.

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