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Ontology Engineering: A Reality Check

Ontology Engineering: A Reality Check

Published: 2006 November
Herausgeber: R. Meersman and Z. Tari and others
Buchtitel: The 5th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE2006)
Ausgabe: 4275
Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Seiten: 836--854
Verlag: Springer
Erscheinungsort: Montpellier, France

Referierte Veröffentlichung


The theoretical results achieved in the ontology engineering field in the last fifteen years are of incontestable value for the prospected large scale take-up of semantic technologies. Their range of application in real-world projects is, however, so far comparatively limited, despite the growing number of ontologies online available. This restricted impact was confirmed in a three month empirical study, in which we examined over 36 contemporary ontology development projects from a process- and costs-oriented perspective. In this paper we give an account of the results of this study. We conclude that ontology engineering research should strive for a unified, lightweight and component-based methodological framework, principally targeted at domain experts in addition to consolidating the existing approaches.

VG Wort-Seiten: 30
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Ontologiemodellierung, Ontology Engineering, Ontologiemodellierungsmethodology