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e-Skills Certification in Europe: Voluntary Approaches to Setting European Level Quality Standards

e-Skills Certification in Europe: Voluntary Approaches to Setting European Level Quality Standards

Published: 2005 April
Herausgeber: W. Stucky, B. Sellin, P. Weiß (Eds.)
Buchtitel: Towards European Standards for e-Skills and Qualifications
Ausgabe: e2004 eChallenges
Reihe: Workshop Proceedings 2004
Seiten: 43-65
Verlag: CEPIS Council of European Professional Informatics Societies
Erscheinungsort: Frankfurt, Germany

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Multiple certification programmes and systems are known in the ICT industries and other fields of application throughout Europe. Certification and quality standards in ICT education and training are extremely important for both employments in the ICT labour market and as a basis for a sustainable pro-fessional career. CEPIS studied and compared on behalf of Cedefop existing approaches to e-skills certification on European level. This paper presents se-lected preliminary survey results contributing to the current debate on the pro-motion of e-skills to economic competitiveness, better jobs and social cohesion. The study is supporting the current debate on ICT skills frameworks and quality issues on the necessary increase of the attractiveness of this labour market seg-ment. The study takes focus on the investigation of existing modes, procedures, methods and institutions responsible for e-skills certification and on their inter-ests in sharing experience or increasing co-operation. The project aims to sup-port and recommend joint actions in order to allow for a European wide policy and practice for certification, quality assurance and standardisation.

ISBN: 3-00-015981-9
Weitere Informationen unter: Link




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E-Learning, Informatik