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Semantic Wikipedia

Semantic Wikipedia

Published: 2006 Mai

Buchtitel: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 23-26, 2006

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Wikipedia is the world's largest collaboratively edited source of encyclopaedic knowledge. But in spite of its utility, its contents are barely machine-interpretable. Structural knowledge, e.g. about how concepts are interrelated, can neither be formally stated nor automatically processed. Also the wealth of numerical data is only available as plain text and thus can not be processed by its actual meaning. We provide an extension to be integrated in Wikipedia, that allows the typing of links between articles and the specification of typed data inside the articles in an easy-to-use manner. Enabling even casual users to participate in the creation of an open semantic knowledge base, Wikipedia has the chance to become a resource of semantic statements, hitherto unknown regarding size, scope, openness, and internationalisation. These semantic enhancements bring to Wikipedia benefits of today's semantic technologies: more specific ways of searching and browsing. Also, the RDF export, that gives direct access to the formalised knowledge, opens Wikipedia up to a wide range of external applications, that will be able to use it as a background knowledge base. In this paper, we present the design, implementation, and possible uses of this extension.

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SEKTSemantic MediaWikiKnowledgeWebSmartWebNepomuk

Verknüpfte Tools

Semantic MediaWiki Software


Semantic Web Infrastructure, Wissensmanagementsysteme, Informationssysteme, Semantische Annotation, Semantische Annotierung, Wissensportale, Hypermedia Systeme, Semantic Web, Ontologiebasierte Wissensmanagementsysteme, WWW Systeme