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Ontology-based Content Management in a Virtual Organization

Veröffentlicht: 2003
Herausgeber: S. Staab and R. Studer (eds.)
Buchtitel: Handbook on Ontologies
Seiten: 455-476
Reihe: Handbooks in Information Systems
Verlag: Springer

In this chapter we describe an ontology-based content management and retrieval system, a kind of Document-based Corporate Memory. This system has been realized in the setting of a virtual organization, a new kind of business partnership at the forefront of ontology-based Knowledge Management due to the special needs for organizing corporate knowledge using flexible, but well-understood and machine processable structures. The goal of our development was to improve on the traditional ways of managing both information items (documents, in our case) and domain knowledge used to organize information, while minimizing the additional effort required from content managers and knowledge workers. This meant the application of automated methods for creating ontologies, even if such methods produce a quality that falls short of the results attainable by manual methods. Our approach also required us to put an emphasis on intelligent interfaces that help the user to effectively discover and query the domain while hiding the complexity of ontologies and ontology-based queries.

ISBN: 3-540-40834-7
VG Wort-Seiten: 20
Download: Media:2003_170_Mika_Ontology-based__1.pdf




Wissensmanagementmethodik, Wissensmanagementsysteme, Ontologiemodellierung, Ontology Engineering, Virtuelle Organisationen, Web Science, Ontologiebasierte Wissensmanagementsysteme