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Energy Informatics: Key Elements for Tomorrow's Energy System

Energy Informatics: Key Elements for Tomorrow's Energy System

Veröffentlicht: 2022 April

Journal: Communications of the ACM
Nummer: 4
Seiten: 58-63
Verlag: ACM
Volume: 65
Bemerkung: Europe Region special section: Big trends

Referierte Veröffentlichung


The increasingly visible effects of climate change necessitate a fundamental transformation of energy systems toward renewable sources. While the Fukushima event led to a particularly strong change in energy policies in Germany, resulting in the so-called Energiewende, or energy transition, the trend toward renewables is visible worldwide. Here, we outline how major challenges of the energy transition have led to a strong need for essential contributions from the computer science community to maintain stability and security of supply, particularly for the electric power grid. As a result, the new discipline of Energy Informatics has emerged which is addressing this highly interdisciplinary and dynamic field of research and development.

DOI Link: 10.1145/3511666


Critical Information Infrastructures

