
Marlon Braun/en

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M.Sc. Marlon Braun

Former Member

Former: Research Associate

Research group: Efficient Algorithms

Marlon Braun studied Economics Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He obtained his bachelor degree in 2011 on the topic Incorporating user preferences in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. He finished his consecutive master studies with the thesis titled Theory and Algorithms for Identifying Knees in Multi-Objective Optimization. Marlon Braun was already doing research in the field of multi-objective optimization and evolutionary algorithms at the institute of applied informatics and formal description methods (AIFB) during his studies. He continues his research activities since April 2014 as research assistant at the chair of efficient algorithms of the AIFB.



Seminar "Theory and applications of Multiple-Criteria Decision Making" (SS 2017)
Exercises for the lecture "Fundamentals in computer science II" (WS 2017/18)
Exercises for the lecture "Fundamentals in computer science II" (WS 2015/16)
Seminar "Multi-agent systems: theory and applications " (WS 2016/17)
Seminar "Energy informatics" (WS 2016/17)
Theoretical foundations of computer science II (DHBW Karlsruhe)
Exercises for the lecture "Efficient algorithms" (SS 2016)
Seminar "Energy informatics systems worldwide" (SS 2016)
Exercises for the lecture "Efficient algorithms" (SS 2015)
Seminar "Data management and optimization" (SS 2015)
Exercises for the lecture "Fundamentals in computer science II" (WS 2015/16)
Seminar "Modeling and Simulation in Smart Grids" (WS 2015/16)
Seminar "Applied informatics in scientific work" (WS 2014/15)
Exercises for the lecture "Fundamentals in computer science II" (WS 2014/15)
Exercises for the lecture "Efficient algorithms" (SS 2014)

Research area
Evolutionäre AlgorithmenMultikriterielle OptimierungGenetische AlgorithmenOptimierung

KIT Functions and Competence Field

Algorithm, Software and System Engineering