
Pascal Hitzler

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Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler

Ehemaliges Mitglied

Wright State University, Dayton, OH

Ehemals: Akademischer Rat
in Forschungsgruppe: Wissensmanagement



Aktive Projekte

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Lehrbuch - Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies
Co-chair, Dagstuhl Seminar on Perspectives of Recurrent Neural Networks - Models, Capacities, and Applications, January 2008
RR2008 steering committee vice-chair
Editorial Board Member of Atlantis Press book series "Thinking Machines"
OWLED2008 steering committee member
Workshop co-chair, NatuReS, Nature inspired Reasoning for the Semantic Web at ISWC08, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2008
ICCS2008 steering committee member
Workshop co-chair, ARea2008, Advancing Reasoning on the Web: Scalability and Commonsense. Workshop at ESCWC2008, Teneriffe, Spain, June 2008
Editor-in-Chief of IOS Press book series "Studies on the Semantic Web"
Journal of Artificial General Intelligence Editorial Board Member
Workshop co-chair, AST2008, 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Semantic Technologies at Informatik2008, Munich, Germany, September 2008
Workshop co-chair, NeSy'08, Fourth International Workshop on Neural-symbolic Learning and Reasoning at ECAI2008
OWLED2008DC steering committee member
ICCS2007 Steering Committee Member
Lehrbuch Semantic Web - Grundlagen
FAInt-07 Workshop Co-organiser
Journal Advances in Artificial Intelligence Editoral Board Member
AST2007 Workshop Co-organiser
NeSy'07 Workshop Co-organiser
OWLED 2007 Steering Committee Member
RR2007 Steering Committee Vice-Chair
ICCS2006 Programme co-chair
Co-organisator OWLED2006, Second Workshop OWL - Experiences and Directions
RoW06 Co-Organisator bei der WWW2006
Editorial board, Buchreihe Begabtenförderung im MINT-Bereich, Aegis-Verlag, Ulm
NeSy06 Co-organisator bei der ECAI06
Eingeladener Vortrag auf dem 4th International Symposium on Domain Theory, ISDT06, Changsha, China, Juni 2006
ARW05 Podiumsdiskussion zu What contribution can automated reasoning make to eScience?
NeSy05 Workshop Co-Organisator bei der IJCAI-05
FOnt2005 Co-Organisator bei der KI2005