
Guido Lindner/Publikationen/en

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Publications by Guido Lindner


Robert Engels, Guido Lindner, Rudi Studer
Providing User Support for Developing Knowledge Discovery Applications; A Midterm report
Themenheft der Künstlichen Intelligenz, (1), pages 40-45, März, 1998

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Guido Lindner, Rudi Studer
Algorithm Selection Support for Classification
In R. Decker and W. Gaul, Classification and Information Processing at the Turn of the Millennium, Proc. of the 23rd Annual Conf. of the Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation e.V., Springer-Verlag, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization

Guido Lindner, Rudi Studer
Forecasting the Fault Rate Behavior for Cars
Proceedings of Workshop "From Machine Learning to Knowledge Discovery in Databases" at the ICML 1999, Bled, Slowenia, June, 26-31, 1999Juni, 1999

Guido Lindner, Rudi Studer
AST: Support for Algorithm Selection with a CBR Approach
In Jan Rauch and Jan M. Zytkow, Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Proceedings of the Third European Symposium, PKDD '99, LNAI 1704, Prag, CZ, Sept. 15-18, 1999September, 1999

Robert Engels, Guido Lindner, Rudi Studer
A Guided Tour through the Data Mining Jungle
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD'97)

R. Wirth, C. Shearer, U. Grimmer, Th. Reinartz, J. Schlösser, Chr. Breitner, Robert Engels, Guido Lindner
Towards Process-Oriented Tool Support for KDD
Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Trondheim, NorwayJuni, 1997

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Robert Engels, Guido Lindner, Rudi Studer
Benutzerunterstützung für Wissensentdeckung in Datenbanken
In Ch. Nakhaeizadeh, Data Mining: Theoretische Aspekte und Anwendungen. Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998

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Guido Lindner
Algorithmenauswahl im KDD-Prozess
Studer, R.; Nakhaeizadeh G.; Seese, D., 2005/01/14, PhD thesis at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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