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Knowledge Representation in Many-Valued Horn Clauses

Knowledge Representation in Many-Valued Horn Clauses

Published: 1995 November

Buchtitel: Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, November 1995, Alicante

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Uncertainty, incompleteness and vagueness are typical features of common-sense as well as expert knowledge. Reasoning based on such knowledge demands strategies to combine divergent information. All the more this is true in the context of integrating knowledge bases. This paper addresses knowledge representation, reasoning, and conflict management with many-valued logics. We show by some examples how information can be expressed in many-valued Horn clauses, how fitting truth value spaces can be found -in this context we also consider bilattices- and how conflict solving strategies can be involved. We do not focus on technical details but try to open up prospects of applications.

