
Stefanie Betz/en

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Prof. Dr. Stefanie Betz

Former Member

Betriebliche Informationssysteme

Former: Research Associate

Research group: Business Information Systems

Workshop: Methods and Tools for Project/Architecture/Risk Management in Globally Distributed Software Development Projects (PARIS'12)
Workshop: Methods and Tools for Project/Architecture/Risk Management in Globally Distributed Software Development Projects (PARIS'11)
Workshop: Methods and Tools for Project/Architecture/Risk Management in Globally Distributed Software Development Projects (PARIS'10)
Programmierung des Lego Mindstorms NXT
Seminar Software-Patente
Programmkomitee RISK Models and Applications 2010
Seminar: Ausgewählte Themen des Software Engineering
tutorial "Workflow-Management"
Review Board International Journal of Information Technology Project Management
Eingeladene Gastwissenschaftlerin des Enterprise Simulation Laboratory (SimLab) der Technischen Universität Helsinki, Oktober - Dezember 2009
Workshop: Empirical Experiences, Metrics and Tools for Project Management in Globally Distributed Software Development Projects
Mitglied des CODATA Germany e.V.
Workshop: Distributed Software Development - Methods and Tools for Risk Management
Teilnahme an dem Projekt "Ingenieurinnen live erleben"
Übungsleiterin der Vorlesung "verteilte Datenbanken"
Seminar/Praktikum IT-Offshoring: Verteilte Software-Entwicklung mit St. Petersburg, Russland
Stellvertretende Sprecherin des GI Arbeitskreises Software-Offshoring
Workshop Offshoring of Software Development - Methods and Tools for Risk Management, ICGSE 2007
Programmkomitee 8th IBIMA conference on Internet & Information Systems
Mitgründerin des GI Arbeitskreises Software-Offshoring
Übungsleiterin der Vorlesung AI I - Modellierung
Mitglied der Prüfungskommission der Hector School
Ausstellerin bei Girls Go Informatik
Mitglied in mehreren universitären Gremien (Berufungskommissionen)
Program Commitee The 7th IBIMA conference on Internet & Information Systems
Organisationskomitee der WI2007
Seminar: IT-Offshoring

KIT Functions and Competence Field

Business Organization and Innovation
Geosphere and Risk Management
Algorithm, Software and System Engineering