
Marc Mültin/en

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Dr.-Ing. Marc Mültin

Former Member

Former: Research Associate

Research group: Efficient Algorithms

Marc Mültin studied Informatics at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH), now Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He joined the research group of Prof. Schmeck at the Institute AIFB in May 2009 and does research in the domain of designing future ICT-based energy systems which integrate electric vehicles into the grid for efficient energy usage.


Practical course "Energiemanagement in Smart-Homes" (SS 2011)
Member of the DIN standardization committee NA 052-01-03-17 AK "Kommunikationsschnittstelle vom Fahrzeug zum Stromnetz (V2G CI)" for ISO/IEC 15118
Exercise courses for the lecture "Algorithms For Internet Applications" (WS 2011/12)
Seminar "Verlässlichkeit im Energiesystem der Zukunft" (WS 2011/12)
Practical Course "Intelligent Energy Management" (SS 2010)
Seminar "Multi-Agent Systems" (SS 2010)
Exercise Courses for the Lecture "Algorithms For Internet Applications" (WS 2010/11)
Seminar "Systems simluation" (WS 2010/2011)
Seminar "E-Energy: ICT-based Energy Systems" (WS 2009/10)
Exercise Courses for the Lecture "Algorithms For Internet Applications" (WS 2009/10)

Research area
Evolutionäre AlgorithmenOrganic ComputingEnergieinformatikMultikriterielle Optimierung

KIT Functions and Competence Field

Algorithm, Software and System Engineering
Cognition and Information Engineering
Communication Technology